InteliLite NT MRS 16 Gen-Set Controller 

InteliLite NT MRS 16 Gen-Set Controller
Manual Remote Start (MRS) Gen-set Controller
Compact gen-set controller for single operating genset
Manual and remote start (MRS) applications
Full gen-set monitoring and protection
Outstanding EFI engine support with diagnostic messages in plain text via J1939
Detailed RTC event and performance log
Multiple languages (user changeable) in controller, even more in installation suite
Plug-in and CAN bus extension modules capability
WebSupervisor, AirGate and LOCATE support*
Automatic SMS on alarm or event & gen-set control over SMS*
On-line control and monitoring over web pages (embedded web server) via plug & play IB-Lite
Optional GSM/GPRS modem/wireless Internet via IL-NT GPRS
Fuel theft protection and Total fuel consumption monitoring
Earth fault current protection*
Alternative switchable configuration
Automatic and manual GCB control
Magnetic pickup input
D+ preexcitation terminal
True RMS measurement
3 phase power measurement
3 configurable analog inputs
6 binary inputs
6 binary outputs
* Plug-in module required
Low temperature version is availible for operation from -40°C to 70°C
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